Positive Attitude Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide to Cultivating Positivity for Personal Growth

ATTITUDE WHAT IS ATTITUDE? H ello and welcome to the world of training for personality development and self-growth. By reading this blog you will be able to mold your personality and thoughts into good actions. Our attitudes are the life-scripts-the way we view the world, others, our lives, and ourselves. It is our mental make-up and the pattern of our thoughts. We are what we think and what we think really matters Our attitudes reflect the way we have been tuned in to this world and tuned our thoughts and actions to look at life. It is the scripting we learned in our childhood and grew up believing in. Thus, our attitudes are also called our mindsets . Like some things are just stuck in our mind and we cannot give it up. Our attitudes are the prime movers of our lives. They are the foundation of all that we are and all we do. In fact, the foundation of success is our attitude. If we assign the numbers 1 to 26 to each letter of the alphabet, then the sum of the word atti...